Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel is sold out for PowerClean. But we've got you covered, Rosen Shingle is offering group rate $179 at a sister location, Rosen Centre Hotel

Rosen Centre Hotel
Attendees can contact the hotel directly at 1-800-204-7234 to book as there is no online web-link. Mention PowerClean Convention with CETA/PWNA.

• Discounted self-parking rate of $12.50 will be offered to the attendees.
• There is no transportation provided between the two properties but you will be able to park at Rosen Shingle for convention for no additional cost just show your key card from Rosen Centre
• The hotel is about 2.2 miles or approximately 5 minutes in by car
• Walking distance will be about 15 minutes
• This is the closest hotel to Rosen Shingle Creek